
RocketMan controls Corellas in Geraldton, WA

After proven success last year, the City of Greater Geraldton continue to use Rocketman wildlife control products to protecting public infrastructure and community assets.  

Last year the City introduced Rocketman wildlife control products to relocate Corellas from their CBD and other hotspots where the birds were causing significant damage to buildings, sporting grounds, businesses and other community assets.

City of Greater Geraldton CEO Ken Diehm said “The corellas in our community have been an issue for some time now and during that time not only have we decreased the plague proportions but we have been able to study their behaviour and strategise a plan to deter them from our public infrastructure,” he said.

“Every year corellas cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to our City but we have now found a method to control this issue in a safe way that poses no threat to wildlife.”

The strategic operation undertaken by City Rangers maps out pinpoint problem areas to deploy the handheld deterrent which fires a cartridge approximately 20 to 90 metres into the sky close to where the corellas are roosting.

There are three different cartridges which omit different high pitched sounds in order to relocate the birds.

Rocketman's specialised products are specifically designed for controlling wildlife in an extremely safe, effective and sustainable way.

RocketMan products available across Australasia

RocketMan  bird scare and wildlife control products are now available in Australia and New Zealand. RocketMan is Australasia’s exclusive distributor – direct from European manufacturers - of Bird Banger, Bird Screamer, CAPA pyrotechnic cartridges and launcher systems.  For further information, product demonstrations and implementation contact us.


RocketMan really works!

RocketMan has been supplying and servicing New Zealand airports with its range of leading bird scare pyrotechnic products for nine years and continues to deliver results.  

Kaye McNabb, Chief Executive, Nelson Aiport Limited says “The products scare the birds, because they are not consistent or continuous. Our previous experience with other equipment was less than satisfactory, so we were surprised – and still are – at the long-term effectiveness of RocketMan’s products. Even 8 years on, the birds have not become accustomed to them.

RocketMan has provided sound, ongoing advice and developed a supportive relationship with us. We would, and do, highly recommend them."

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